S. Zaveri & Sons is proud to be associated with FedEx® for shipping all international orders. All orders will be shipped up till your doorstep, fully insured and within 48 hrs after dispatch. We request all customers to inspect your package for damage or tampering before receiving or signing for receipt.
Following is the list of countries that we currently ship through FedEx:
United States of America, United Kingdom, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Malaysia, Japan, Korea South, Macau, Taiwan, China, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Netherlands, and Switzerland.
Please note that the following countries have a shipment value limit of $1000.00, if the |
delivery is by FedEx: United Arab Emirates, Bahrain & Kuwait. However, for higher value orders and countries not listed above, we can always arrange for other reliable carriers. |