Rahu (moon's ascending node). It improves dealings with other people and protects from sudden misfortunes. Hessonite Garnets are supposed to be the best gems to avert stomach ailments, disaster, insanity and evil spirits.
The Ideal Cut Diamond describes a round brilliant diamond that has been cut to exact mathematical proportions. The 58 perfectly polished facets create the ultimate in luster and brilliance. When a diamond is cut to the Ideal proportions, light entering from all directions is reflected through the top in a display of rainbow colors and sparkling flashes.
Nature fingerprinted virtually all diamonds with natural internal characteristics called inclusions. The size, nature, quantity and location of inclusions determine a diamond's clarity grade and affect its rarity and value.
Although most diamonds appear colorless, they do have slight shades of yellow or brown. As these shades become more easily apparent, the rarity and the value decrease. Ideal cutting accentuates the rare splendor of a diamond by reducing the amount of color when viewed from the top.
Carat Weight
The weight of a diamond is measured in carats. One carat is equivalent to 100 cents or 0.2 gram.